Peonies are some of the most beautiful flowers, with rich velvety petals and bright and vivid colors which make them a favourite among gardeners and flower lovers all around the world. Preferably grown in full sun, Peonies are beautiful flowers known for their taste and smell; there exist different types of peonies with other features and requirements. Starting from more traditional herbaceous peonies and ending with oriental tree peonies, the study of These flowers shows an extensive variety from different botanical families.

Types of Peonies
1. Herbaceous Peonies
Of all the ornamental peonies, the most commonly cultivated species is the herbaceous peony (Paeonia lactiflora) prized for its large flowers, often with exquisite fragrance and vigorous growth. They are herbaceous perennials that die down in the winter, each spring grows from the same roots.
Single Flowering:
In comparison with the first type, these peonies have only one row of petals surrounding the core of the stamens and by that, their conception is characterized by simple and austere beauty. Some of its types include ‘Sarah Bernhardt’, ‘Festiva Maxima’, and other fancy ones.
Double Flowering:
Herbaceous peonies with two rows of petals occur when the parts of the flower that normally form separate petals are fused, thus giving the flower a rich, opulent look. This offscreen space is epitomized in the ‘Bowl of Beauty’ and ‘Kansas’.

As for the flowers, Japanese peonies that have petals designed like petaloids combined with stamen in the middle like ‘Pink Hawaiian Coral’ are best placed at the borders of the garden.
Anemone Flowers:
These white peonies have the shape of anemone flowers and a ring of narrow petals surrounding a closed stamen. Some specific programs include ‘Happy Days,’ ‘This is Your Life,’ ‘Tony Sarg, Clown Prince of America’ and ‘Mr. Ed. ’

Cultivation Tips:
Perennial peonies belong to the Helianthemum genus and grow preferably in well-drained soil in sunny and semi-shady areas. These plants respond well to watering, especially in dry conditions, and must be planted with the eyes – the buds- right at the surface of the soil.
2. Tree Peonies
Tree peonies (Paeonia suffruticosa) are a woody shrub whose flowers are large and often flashy. In addition, while herbaceous peonies die back to the ground level during the winter their branches are persistent, and provide a striking element in the winter garden.
Single and Semi-Double:
The tree peonies are of two types: single and semi-double and the flowers are as big as those dinner plates. Two songs that are good examples of these sub-genres are ‘Shimadaijin’ and ‘High Noon’.
Double Flowered:
Tree peonies are two flowered, and have lots of petals which are similar to rose flowers. It is noteworthy that ‘Shima-Nishiki’ and ‘Renkaku’ varieties of the flower are more familiar for luxurious-looking flowers.

Cultivation Tips:
These types of peonies are adapted to grow in deep, fertile, and well-drained soil and it is recommended that a mulch layer is placed around the plant to retain soil moisture. They must be shielded from the gusts of wind; they could even need staking because the flowering components are quite weighty.
3. Intersectional Peonies (Itoh Peonies)
Itoh peonies also known as Intersectional peonies are derived from crossing the herbaceous and the tree peonies. This breed combines strength in stems and size of flowers, with variety in color that no other breed can provide.

Yellow With bright yellow flowers:
cultivars such as ‘Bartzella’ and ‘Canary Brilliants’ are characterized by high growth vigor and great flowering.
Pink and Coral:
Julia Rose’ and ‘Cora Louise’ are two varieties that have beautiful pink and coral borders that give gardens a touch of color.
Orange and Red:
There are ‘Hillary’ and ‘Cora Stubbs’ peonies, for example, a group of plants providing bright, passionate notes for the landscape.
Cultivation Tips:
Intersectional peonies have high requirements for drainage and should be placed in an area with sun protection from the scorching sun in the afternoon. They should be sown with a view of having the eyes slightly above the ground level and watered when the ground is dry.
4. Rockii Peonies

Rockii peonies (Paeonia rockii) are considered one of the rare and coveted types known for their large, Bowl-shaped flowers and patterns on their aesthetically appealing sepals. They are named in honor of Joseph Rock, the Austro-American botanist who traveled through China in the early 1900s.
White with Purple Blotch:
Both ‘White Phoenix’ and ‘Pastel Splendor’ have white petals that look nearly black at the base of the petals and have different depths of purple coloring.
Pink with Purple Flares:
Cultivar varieties such as ‘Luoyang Hong’ and ‘Luoyang Hongsheng’ produce soft pink petals with styles bearing a bolder purple flare, making it an ideal ornamental plant for gardens.
Cultivation Tips
Rockii peonies prefer slightly alkaline, well-drained soils and derive from the full sun but are to scorch in direct afternoon sunlight. They are comparatively easy to care for, but occasionally, pruning and feeding using balanced fertilizer may be useful.
5. Coral Peonies
Delightful Coral bloomers are a favorite among peonies enthusiasts thanks to the beautiful coral hue of the petals. Its inclusion is critical in raising the color hue in gardens and has become popular because of its colorful red appearance.

Coral Charm:
Another coral peony that is well-known is ‘Coral Charm’, it produces large flowers that are semi-double with a coral pink color when opened and deep coral color when they fade.
Coral Sunset:
Coral Sunset’ is different from the traditional rose with coral and peach colors displayed on the flowers and varying colors of flowers when they grow older on the same plant in the garden.
Cultivation Tips:
Coral peonies have the characteristics of thriving in well-draining soil that has been mixed with organic compost and are known to grow in areas that receive full sun to partly shaded areas. These plants require frequent irrigation and should be planted with the eyes just below the soil surface.

Due to the numerous varieties of peonies including those with distinct colors, it acts as a resource whereby gardeners can enhance their landscape of choice. From the traditional folklike peonies to novelty tree peonies or intersectional ones, perennial care of these stunning flowers guarantees a stunning gardening experience with elegant flowers blooming each year.