
Philodendron Xanadu – Propagation, Care, and Repotting Schedule

Philodendron “Xanadu” is a large-leaved philodendron known for its ease of cultivation and scenic tropical view. Dark grey-green foliage with deep divisions and drooping leaves can reach 45 cm long. The leaves are borne on long. It can only survive and flourish outdoors in South Florida. 

Philodendron “Xanadu” is a compact, self-heading plant ideal for miniature terrains. With a slender stem, it reaches a height of 2 to 3 feet. The narrow leaves are shallowly lobed, measuring 6 to 12 inches long with smooth petioles, and divided into 15 to 20 lobes. This versatile plant is well-suited for both sun and shade conditions.

Philodendron Xanadu
Philodendron xanadu Plant, Image Source: istockPhoto
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Plant Overview: Philodendron Xanadu

Philodendron “Xanadu” is an indoor plant native to Brazil, levered for its dense and unique appearance. Deeply lobed, glossy green leaves form an attractive mound, an ideal addition to any indoor garden[1]Philodendron Xanadu Plant Overview. Read. Known for its low-maintenance qualities.

The beauty of this Philodendron species lies in its stunning leaves, which portray an intricate pattern. The large, glossy leaves range from vibrant deep green to a lighter shade, creating a mesmerizing contrast. As the plant matures, it forms a dense canopy, enhancing the interior’s beauty.

Beyond its scenic attraction, this Philodendron species functions by purifying the air[2]Air-Purifying Properties of Philodendron. Read, contributing to a healthy atmosphere. With eye-catching vegetation and numerous benefits, “Philodendron Xanadu” becomes a gorgeous addition to your indoor interior.

Philodendron xanadu Plant Botanical OverviewDescription
Native toBrazil
Belongs from (Family)Araceae
Maximum Height2 to 4 feet (up to 1 meter)[3]General Botanical Information about Philodendron xanadu. Read
USDA Hardiness Zones10 through 11 
Leaf DescriptionLarge, glossy-green, incised appearance
Spread (Horizontal)4 to 6 feet
Flower ColorRed, all year flowering period
Plant TypeShrub, Annually flourishing 
Flower Hue and Characterization Hue is Green and Periodically flowers all year
Fruit ColorNo fruit
Bark and stemusually with one stem and a trunk
Spacing requires90 – 152 cm
Leaf Blade 30 – 45 cm long 
Air Humidity at day and night60-80% (on Day) and 60-80% (at Night)
Temperature Threshold < 15 °C,  Day: 10-30 °C and Night: 12-18 °C
RepottingAfter 2 Years
Soil pH< 5-8>
Soil TypePeat
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Philodendron xanadu Characteristics

Its distinctive features include a lack of posterior lobes and poorly developed posterior ribs, which set it apart from other species in its subgenus. It is a terrestrial plant, with leaves extending to 1.6 meters wide and stems reaching 1 meter or more in height.

Leaf and Stem Characteristics

They measure 12 to 18 inches long and exhibit a vibrant green hue while maintaining an evergreen nature. Despite being alternate in arrangement, the plant does not undergo a fall color change. However, the leaves are pinnatisect, subcoriaceous, and directed upward at a 20-30° angle to the midrib. The leaves of this plant are elliptic (oval), showcasing a simple and lobed structure

The stems are short, dark brown, and with short internodes. However, the stems and twigs of this plant have a green color and are characterized by being very thick. 

Philodendron Xanadu care
Philodendron xanadu Leaf, Image Source: istockPhoto

Inflorescences Characteristics

Inflorescences are singular per axil, with peduncles 8-11 cm long[4]T.B. CROAT, S. MAYO, J. BOOS, 2, A New Species of Brazilian Philodendron subgenus Meconostigma (Araceae), AROIDEANA, Vol. 25, 2002. Read. The spathe is coriaceous, dark purple-brown, and sometimes paler within. The spadix is cream-colored[5]Flower Characteristics of Philodendron xanadu. Read, with staminate and pistillate portions, each having specific dimensions and characteristics.

Philodendron xanadu flower, Image Source: istokePhoto

Reproductive Features

The staminate spadix has sterile and fertile portions, while the pistillate spadix has stigmas and a gynoecium with 7-8 locules.

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Philodendron xanadu Propagation

Philodendron species can be propagated through cutting and layering during the growing season. Small brown lumps develop and become roots when soil or water comes into contact with leaves. However, the easiest way to prevent rot is to cut a branch below the root nodule (lump) and place it in water containing charcoal (horticultural). Once new leaf growth occurs, it can be potted in well-fertilized soil. 

Another way to propagate it in a pot is to pin the vines to the ground at the root nub (lump), where new roots will form[6]Philodendron xanadu Propagational Approaches. Read.

Philodendron xanadu Cultivational Approach

The Philodendron xanadu is an effortlessly cared-for houseplant that can thrive outdoors on a balcony or terrace during summer. Its cultivation requires attention to light conditions, soil moisture, temperature range, and fertilization. Here’s a comprehensive set of instructions on cultivating this plant.

Lighting Conditions

The Philodendron xanadu flourishes in various light conditions, except for direct sunlight. The best place to place the plant is in a partially shaded area or in a location that receives sunlight only during certain hours.

Soil and Watering

This plant prefers a porous soil type, specifically peat, and it is crucial to maintain consistent moisture. However, the soil should be kept quite moist, but excess water must be allowed to drain through the container’s bottom hole to avoid water settling at the bottom. However, watering tips include using a free-draining mixture and ensuring the plant does not retain moisture, promoting a healthy root system.

Temperature and Humidity

Temperatures within 50°F to 86°F are ideal for Philodendron xanadu[7]Philodendron xanadu Plant Care Guide. Read. However, temperature at 59°F (15°C), it can grow comfortably, but this plant should not exceed 86°F (30°C). The plant thrives in a 60-80% humidity range daily and night. This temperature and humidity range mimics its native tropical environment[8] Nainwal P, Review on Philodendron Species-Plant Seeking For Validation of Its Therapeutic Approaches, J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 11(5), 2019, 2003-2006 . Read.

Fertilization and Maintenance

Fertilizing the Philodendron xanadu once a month is recommended to stimulate its growth. Use a minimal amount of fertilizer to avoid overfeeding. The low-maintenance plant can be pruned to control its size and shape. Regular care ensures a healthy and vibrant appearance.

Repotting Schedule

Philodendron xanadu typically requires repotting after two years. Meanwhile, during this process, you can inspect the root system, refresh the soil, and provide nutrients to ensure the plant continues to grow properly.

Philodendron xanadu
Philodendron xanadu indoors, Image Source: Pexels

Usage of Shade Net Cultivation

Philodendron ‘Xanadu,’ a perennial evergreen tropical shrub, thrives in partial shade for its glossy green foliage. Cut foliage is utilized in floral arrangements. However, colored shade nets control crop growth and quality by filtering solar radiation[9]N Naveena, Thamaraiselvi SP, et al., Studies on growth and quality of Philodendron xanadu plants under different colored shade nets, IJCS 2019; 7(1): 319-322. Read.


With its low-maintenance nature and adaptability to various conditions, the Philodendron xanadu is an excellent choice for indoor and outdoor cultivation. This article has demonstrated Philodendron Xanadu, a Brazilian houseplant’s care guide, propagational approaches, and characteristics. 


1Philodendron Xanadu Plant Overview. Read
2Air-Purifying Properties of Philodendron. Read
3General Botanical Information about Philodendron xanadu. Read
4T.B. CROAT, S. MAYO, J. BOOS, 2, A New Species of Brazilian Philodendron subgenus Meconostigma (Araceae), AROIDEANA, Vol. 25, 2002. Read
5Flower Characteristics of Philodendron xanadu. Read
6Philodendron xanadu Propagational Approaches. Read
7Philodendron xanadu Plant Care Guide. Read
8 Nainwal P, Review on Philodendron Species-Plant Seeking For Validation of Its Therapeutic Approaches, J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 11(5), 2019, 2003-2006 . Read
9N Naveena, Thamaraiselvi SP, et al., Studies on growth and quality of Philodendron xanadu plants under different colored shade nets, IJCS 2019; 7(1): 319-322. Read