A fiddle leaf fig or Ficus lyrata is a beautiful and famous houseplant distinguished by its huge leaves resembling violin figures and its positive impact on the atmosphere of a home interior. However, similar to many other plants, fiddle-leaf fig trees have potential issues and one of the issues is the browning of the leaves. This is information that is useful in helping one understand why these spots develop, and what should be done to see the plant get back to normal. In this article, of course, we will explain the causes of fiddle leaf fig brown spots together with step-by-step instructions on how to manage them properly.

Reasons of Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Figs
The brown leaves on the fiddle leaf fig can also be due to over watering, under watering, fungal attack, bacterial infections, or even pest attack. The first step to addressing the problem is therefore to establish what exactly is causing it.
The initial mistake most people make is overwatering their fiddle leaf fig, which results in the browning of the leaves. Oxygen availability is yet another factor that is closely associated with roots; when the roots settle in the waterlogged soil, they can become infected and start rotting. This root rot may not look like a typical disease since it is commonly presented as brown to black colored spots on the foliage of the plant. Such spots may appear at the periphery and expand towards the cell center These spots may start at the edges and go deeper into the cell.
It is also important to note that underwatering is also an issue that causes browning of leaves, therefore the plant has to be watered adequately. Darker, greener, thicker than others: if a fiddle leaf fig does not get enough water, the leaves may turn deep brown at the edges and become crispy. The plant will save itself moisture and the leaves may turn brown and even wither altogether.
Fungal Infections:
These cause browning of the skin which occurs independently of the organism’s melanocytes; the affected area is typically irregular in shape and may be surrounded by a pale yellow ring. These infections normally manifest in areas that have high humidity dulls that the leaves are likely to remain wet for long.
Bacterial Infections:
Some diseases Affect bacterial leaf spots with pathogens like Xanthomonas campestris, which leads to small and black-brown that might be easily spread. Such areas may be yellow or light green and can be very difficult to eliminate in the process of eradicating ants.
Pest Infestations:
Other pests that affect fiddle leaf fig plants include: Another cause of brown spots on fiddle leaf fig plants is insects such as spider mites and aphids, scale. They are known to suck the sap from the plant which results in the formation of spots that may be colored on the plant; the plant’s strength is affected.

Treatment of Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Figs
When the root of the brown spots is established, then the means to address them can be provided. Here are the steps to treat brown spots based on their cause:
Treating Overwatering
Reduce Watering Frequency:
It is recommended that the upper inch of soil in the planter should dry out before it is watered again. Self-watering containers are beneficial to use with fiddle leaf figs because these plants need evenly moist soil but can’t tolerate overwatering.
Improve Drainage:
Make sure the bird is well-caged and that the plant pot is properly designed to have adequate drainage holes. Also, it’s possible to try transplanting the plant to a new container with fresh soil, which must be permeable; it’s recommended that the soil as mentioned above mix is used, containing the potting soil and perlite and pine bark.
Remove Affected Leaves:
Before pruning the plant, try to remove the affected leaves as they can contaminate the rest of the plant.
Treating Underwatering:
Regular Watering:
Another method to be adapted is the regularity of watering plants. Ensure that you drain the excess water from the bottom of the pot probably after the water drains out, be sure that the water does not stay in the tray of the plant.
Moisten the plant by spraying the leaves or through a humidifier apparatus if they are placed indoors.
Treating Fungal Infections
Improve Air Circulation:
Prune the plant well to allow air to circulate by growing it afar from other plants or else have adequate space that practices overcrowding.
Fungicide Treatment:
First, spray some fungicide on the infected leaves that has been approved for use on fiddle leaf fig species. Neem oil can also be used as a natural fungicide. According to research, there is proof that Neem oil can be effective as a fungicide.
Avoid Wet Leaves:
Bapon said that the plant should be watered at the base not on the leaf while in humid climates is better to do it at night.
Treating Bacterial Infections
Remove Infected Leaves:
Eliminate any leaves that exhibit the infection signs to avoid spreading to other areas.
Sanitize Tools:
To reduce bacterial spread always sterilize the pruning tools before and after their use.
Copper-Based Fungicides:
Some Copper-based fungicides are used to control bacterial infections but they have to be used carefully and as recommended in the package.
Treating Pest Infestations
Manual Removal:
Mild infestation requires little effort to contaminate and can be easily eliminated with the help of a wet cloth.
Insecticidal Soap:
You should simply spray insecticidal soap onto the affected regions. Neem oil is also repellent to a large number of pests as well as fungi and bacteria that are normally present in the garden.
Regular Monitoring:
From time to time, scrutinize the plant for any form of pests, and after identifying them, ensure to act fast.

Preventing Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig
To prevent browning of the foliage right environmental conditions as well as proper management practices must be provided for to fiddle leaf fig plant and other management practices such as cleanliness. Here are some preventive measures:
Proper Watering:
Water your S/catire well and let the upper layer of the soil dry before watering the next time. This is because of over-irrigation and under-irrigation of plants that can lead to wastage of water and poor yields respectively.
Appropriate Lighting:
Fiddle leaf figs love light and should be placed where they can get light but with some shade, meaning that they should be placed where they will get bright but not direct light. Do not directly place the plant under the sun to avoid direct exposure to sunlight resulting in scorched leaves while making sure that the plant gets ample light.
Humidity and Temperature:
Another feature of the plant’s microclimate is the appropriate level of air humidity to maintain moderate levels near the plant. Fiddle leaf figs are okay being in a warmer climate range of 60-75°F (16-24°C). Do not locate the plant near sources of air flow such as registers, window sills, fans, cold windows, or AC units.
Regular Cleaning:
In conducting a general cleanup of the leaves, you should use a damp cloth to clean off dust and pests. This also assists the plant in having better photosynthesis since the seeds will be well-shaded by the sun.
Inspect New Plants:
New plants brought to the store should be placed in a separate area for a few weeks, as they are often infested with pests.
Prune Regularly:
Succulent plants should be pruned frequently to prune off the old and rotten leaves and also to give better airflow all over the leaves.

The presence of brown spots on the fiddle leaf fig is a rather daunting experience for most plant owners, but the truth is, the plant can be treated most of the time and get back to its glamour. It is critical to determine the exact reason behind the appearance of the brown spots—the issue can be excessive or insufficient irrigation, infections of fungal/bacterial nature, or pest presence. Fertilizing, right watering practices, proper lighting, and frequent cleaning help avoid the development of brown spots in fiddle containers again. However, if special attention is paid and the problematic issues are addressed on time, your fiddle leaf fig can live on and still be a part of the interior garden.