
Hanging Plants: Elevate Your Space with Greenery

Hanging plants are not just accessories that are placed in the home for aesthetic purposes but are living organisms. Regardless of whether you live in a large house or a small apartment, hanging plants will help to turn your home into a real tropical paradise. This is why hanging plants is such a great idea and some pointers on how to use them in your home.

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The Beauty of Hanging Plants

1. Space-Saving Beauty:

Hanging plants are ideal for small areas where floor and surface space is a constraint. Here, vertical space is used in a way that allows one to get the feel of the greens without having to lose floor space.

2. Visual Interest:

The hanging plants produce more dimension and texture to your interior design. They direct the attention upwards and therefore can make a room look higher and larger. The swaying of trailing vines or the forms of the suspended planters are constantly changing and add to the visual interest.

3. Air Purification:

Most of the hanging plants can filter the air in the room. In which they are placed. Some of the plants include the spider plants, English ivy, and Boston ferns, and they assist in purging the toxins in the air hence improving the quality of air in the indoor environment.

4. Mood Enhancement

It has been scientifically accentuated that having plants around would decrease stress, bring about improved mood, and enhance well-being. Hanging plants, having an aesthetically pleasing nature due to the green color and shapes, can help design the interior to be relaxing.

Image Source: Pixabay

Popular Hanging Plants

1. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum):

Spider plants are low maintenance and do well in bright, medium, and low-light areas. This plant has wide leaves that form an arch and small branches that flow one from the other making it suitable to be placed in hanging baskets.

2. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum):

The Pothos plant has Angel wings or ivy-lookalike heart-shaped leaves and can develop long trailing stems. Pothos is native to the tropical regions of Asia and can do well in low light and may even withstand some levels of neglect, making it a great plant for novices.

3. String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus):

This evergreen perennial vine has elongated, linear, smooth-surface leaves arranged in branches with rounded, bead-like structures. The plant is abundant with light but should not be watered frequently; it fits well on a sunny windowsill.

4. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata):

Their feathery and soft foliage makes them perfect for hanging baskets, and one of the members of this group is a Boston fern. This plant prefers humidity and grows in locations with indirect sunlight exposure, therefore it is suitable for being placed in the bathroom or kitchen.

5. English Ivy (Hedera helix):

English ivy’s vines are desirable because it is easy to take care of and their vines with flowers give a touch of elegance to any room. It is also an excellent air purifier which means it is a beautiful and useful appliance at the same time.

Image Source: Pexels

Tips for Hanging Plant Care

1. Choose the Right Spot:

Think about the need and level of light intensity that your hanging plants will need. Some plants grow best in well-lit situations while other types of plants require a shady environment. Make sure that the place you have chosen is good for them.

2. Watering

This indicates that hanged plants can be more susceptible to water loss than plants that rest on the ground. Make sure the soil is kept moist and water the plant whenever the moisture is low. It is also important that good drainage is observed to avoid root rot.

3. Pruning

Dead or yellow-colored leaves should be removed often to ensure that plants remain healthy and to promote growth. Pruning also aids in managing the size and shape of your hanging plants to fit the compartment intended for them.

4. Feeding

Water your hanging plants using a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer suitable for the growing season. Do not over-apply to avoid cases where the fertilizer is too rich in nutrients for the plant as described on the package.

5. Rotation

To avoid plants from sticking out always try to change the position of your hanging plants after some time. This helps to avoid situations where only one part of the plant becomes overgrown and the rest of the mass looks empty and deserted.

Creative Display Ideas

1. Macrame Hangers:

Macrame plant hangers will bring the feeling of the spaced-out Seventies into your home. It is produced in different designs and sizes so it can easily fit in any given area.

Image Source: Pixabay

2. Hanging Shelves:

Hanging shelves should be installed to serve as the garden to float. This setup enables you to have several plants to make the indoor environment look green and rich while having various plants at various heights.

3. Wall Hooks:

In the case of single plants, it is possible to utilize basic wall hooks to make the fixture to the wall. Thus, the most appropriate for minimalistic modern and contemporary styles of the dwelling.

4. Window Gardens:

Use plants to give an impression of a curtain on the windows by hanging them there. This not only brings in most of the light but adds privacy and a view to the outside, naturally.

5. Vertical Planters:

Vertical planters are a kind of planters that are specifically created to accommodate more than one plant at a time. They are also ideal to give an interior a green wall kind of treatment.

Image Source: Pexels


Some of the qualities of hanging plants include the following; hanging plants are trendy as well as elegant. They assemble and contain a space, clean the air, and make you happy in addition to the fact that they bring the aesthetic sense of a piece of art into your home. Often people don’t pay attention to indoor plants as a form of decor, but with the proper lighting and neat Wicker Baskets for Plants, such an addition will turn into a stunning ornament for any room. For newbies or advanced, hanging plants is one of the best ways how we can enhance our surroundings.