As one of the most well-known and eye-catching subspecies and varieties of pothos, neon pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Neon’) are low-complain houseplants that make certain to light up any edge of your home. Local to the tropical Solomon Islands, this staggering assortment of pothos is portrayed by neon green, heart-formed leaves, and a vining development propensity.
The best part is, that neon pothos are not difficult to focus on — making them extraordinary for fledglings or those with a famously earthy colored thumb. As a variety of the normal brilliant pothos, all pieces of the neon pothos are considered poisonous to felines, canines, and people whenever ingested and wariness ought to be taken with these plants if you have pets or small kids in your home.
Neon Pothos is a typical houseplant known for its solidness and staggering leaf tone. It’s known for its exceptionally molded chartreuse neon leaves. It is likewise a tough houseplant requiring little consideration. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) comes from French Polynesia. It flourishes with islands like Tahiti and Moorea.
Neon pothos is a select cultivar and individual from the Araceae family, which contains grass-like blossoming plants. Neon pothos is an indoor plant in calm environments. It fills outside in tropical scopes. As a result of its toughness, it finds its direction in public spaces like shopping centers and places of business[1]Meshram, A. and N. Srivastava, Epipremnum aureum (Jade pothos): a multipurpose plant with its medicinal and pharmacological properties. Journal of Critical Reviews, 2015. 2(2): p. 21-5. Read.

Outside pothos plants can develop to levels of 20′ feet or more. They can fan out over enormous regions on the woodland floor. In indoor settings, you can manage the plant so it holds an area of one to two feet. On the off chance that given space in a hanging plant, it might arrive down to the floor regardless of whether the pot is at least six feet in the air.
The greatest draw of this tropical houseplant is its yellow-green leaves, which can get very huge and, as the name recommends, have a neon-like shine. The splendid variety is the greatest draw for some individuals who purchase neon pothos. Although many individuals think that they are appealing, they don’t have vivid blossoms or a perceptible scent. This characteristic makes them ideal for spaces that do require nuance, like an office or shared living regions.
Neon Pothos, the logical name Epipremnum aureum ‘neon’, is local to the Solomon Islands. It additionally fills well in other subtropical environments like Australia and Asia. Neon Pothos plants are plants growing up to 10 feet long. This makes them ideal for hanging baskets; however, they can be filled in customary pots with standard pruning. Prune every plant one to two creeps over a sound leaf.
Any leafless plants ought to be taken out at the base. While the neon leaves of this Pothos plant are lovely, they are additionally poisonous whenever ingested. Individuals who have felines, canines, or little kids ought to keep any Pothos planted up and far off for security. Care ought to be taken to prune any lengthy plants that develop reachable.
Neon Pothos is a brilliant decision to use in your garden when you are an accomplished houseplant proprietor or settling on your most memorable indoor plant. Their brilliant, neon passes add a sprinkle of variety to any room. It fills well in pots or hanging bins and makes a lovely plant you can trail out and enhance your walls with. The following pothos with shining, neon green leaves, add that bit of dynamic quality to your houseplant assortment that you didn’t realize you wanted. The neon pothos doesn’t need an excess of consideration, nor is it fastidious about being developed inside[2]Henny, R.J., J. Chen, and T.A. Mellich, Epipremnum aureum ‘Green Genie’. HortScience, 2009. 44(6): p. 1783-1784. Read.
There is a close likeness between neon pothos and the philodendron plant. The most straightforward method for distinguishing each plant is by its leaf shape. While to some degree comparative, the philodendron’s leaves are more slender and gentler on the surface. They additionally show up more heart-formed with an internal bend at the foundation of their leaves.
Pothos leaves are thicker, waxy, and have a straighter base shape. New leaves on the Philodendron rise out of little, defensive leaves called cataphyll. These evaporate and tumble off once the new leaf develops. The Pothos’ new leaves develop straightforwardly from a past, mature leaf. While both the Philodendron and Pothos can be spread from cuttings, the Philodendron likewise delivers counterbalances. A Philodendron is more lenient toward low-lighting conditions; however, the Pothos is drier spell safe and endures higher temperatures[3]Guan, X., et al., The complete chloroplast genome of a variety of Epipremnum aureum’Neon'(Araceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2019. 4(1): p. 781-782. Read.

Propagation methods of Neon Pothos
Pothos proliferation starts with the root hubs on the stem right beneath the leaf or branch points. These small knocks on the stems of establishing pothos are the way to spreading pothos. While your maturing plant starts to get leggy or your full and sound plant becomes excessively lengthy, just give your plant a hairstyle.
Neon Pothos are spread utilizing the stem-cutting technique. At the point when you’ve picked your stem or stems, recognize the leaf hubs. There will most likely be loads of them! Search for ones encompassing a leaf joint, which will have a couple of hubs and an edge. Utilize an exceptionally sharp, clean blade or scissors to cut intently beneath the leaf joint.
After you’ve cut, delicately eliminate the lower leaves from the cuttings – this is the part that your new roots will develop from. You likewise need to have several leaves left on the opposite end so your cutting can continue drinking up the daylight! If you have an extremely lengthy stem, you can make a few cuttings from one stem – simply ensure there are 2-3 leaves and around 12cm of stem per cutting.
When your cutting is completely ready, it’s prepared to begin spreading! Place into it a vessel of clean, room-temperature water. We like to utilize a glass bottle with a thin neck so the cutting can be kept ready and the water can be effectively checked – something like our Glass Vase/Bottle is great to use.
On the off chance that you do not have something like this, a glass tumbler or even a reasonable plastic beverage container will finish the work. Keep your proliferation vessel in a warm and brilliant spot (windowsills are great) and revive your water something like one time per week. Following two or three weeks you’ll begin to see uncovers shooting the cut stem. Whenever you have a couple of roots around 2 creeps of root development, your slicing is prepared to plant[4]Wang, Y.-T., Stock plant fertilization, and cutting storage temperature and duration affect the growth of golden pothos cuttings. Subtropical Plant Sci, 1994. 46: p. 66-68. Read.

Just set up a perfect plant pot with gardening soil, make an opening with your finger or the finish of a pencil, and spot your cutting (or cuttings assuming that you need a fuller plant) so the roots and around 1 inch of the stem above are covered with soil, and delicately firm into the right spot. Start by clipping off 4-to 6-inch (10-15 cm.) lengths of solid stem for your pothos cuttings, ensuring each cutting has at least four leaves. Eliminate the leaf that is nearest to the cut end. Whenever you have cut your stems, you’re prepared to start establishing them. Pothos proliferation can be achieved in two ways. You should attempt both to see which one turns out best for you.
Method 1.
The main strategy for spreading pothos is to put the cut closures of your stems in water. An old glass or jam container is ideal for establishing pothos. Place the container of pothos cuttings in a spot that gets a lot of light, but not immediate daylight. About a month after the roots start to show, you can establish the cuttings in the soil and treat them as you would some other houseplant. Be cautious, however, as the more drawn-out pothos cuttings stay in the water, the harder time they have adjusting to the soil. It is ideal to relocate established pothos cuttings when they start roots.
Method 2.
Take the pothos cuttings and eliminate the main leaf over the cut finishes. Dunk the cut end in establishing chemicals. Ensure you cover the primary arrangement of root hubs. Set the cuttings in a prepared combination of half peat greenery and half perlite or sand. Keep the dirt soggy and keep your uncovering pothos of direct daylight. Roots ought to be fostered following one month and following a few months, the new plants will be prepared[5]Khayyat, M., F. Nazari, and H. Salehi, Effects of different pot mixtures on pothos (Epipremnum aureum Lindl. and Andre ‘Golden Pothos’) growth and development. American-Eurasian Journal of … Continue reading.
Care of Neon Pothos
- These splendid pothoses are low-support and simple to focus on. They can adjust to a scope of lighting conditions, and keeping in mind that they value ordinary watering, they quickly return effectively if you neglect to water them each once at a time. When developed inside, neon pothos can develop plants up to 10 feet in length, so while pruning isn’t required for these tropical plants, you might wish to prune the plants each now and again to monitor their size.
- Outside pothos plants can develop to levels of 20′ feet or more. They can fan out over huge regions on the timberland floor. In indoor settings, you can manage the plant with the goal that it holds an area of one to two feet. On the off chance that given space in a hanging plant, it might arrive down to the floor regardless of whether the pot is at least six feet in the air.
- Neon pothos can endure low light circumstances. It can’t flourish in complete haziness. Be that as it may, it can fill in faint spaces like washrooms with one window or workplaces. Neon additionally flourishes when you utilize glaring lights rather than the brilliant backhanded sun. The plant will begin looking pale assuming that it gets an excessive amount of direct daylight. Try not to put them close to windows that get unnecessary daylight during the day.

- Neon pothos can make do with insignificant water. Cuttings can even live in containers of water with practically no soil for quite a long time at a time. Preferably, you will water your plant consistently. Water it until all the dirt is soggy and afterward hold on until all the root balls become dry before watering once more. Try not to exaggerate plant food or composts with any plant, particularly one like neon pothos. It can flourish absent a lot of help. An excessive amount of compost will cause mineral and salt development, stunt development, and at last, kill the plant.
- Utilize a natural combination containing peat greenery, or coconut coir to hold soil dampness while establishing neon pothos. Breezy soils can assimilate and channel water better compared to standard outside soil. Our neon pothos will require some prepping. At the point when left to develop, these plants will keep on spreading toward each path.
- On the off chance that you put the pot on a table or rack, the plant trail and ultimately stretch to the floor. Eliminate uncovered stems that have no leaves. These are ordinarily in the center of the plant.
- Eliminate the tips that spread out from the principal plant. Utilize the tips to engender new plants.
- Slow development by setting the plant in a cool area. Cooler temperatures will hinder its development without hurting it. If you would like the plant to trail down, relocate it into a hanging pot. The leaves will be found on the floor if you don’t manage them[6]Hogan, M.K., 37 houseplants even you can’t kill. 2007: Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. Read.
Uses and benefits of Neon Pothos
- One of the essential reasons Pothos is well known is it can endure lower light, lower dampness, and cooler temperatures than numerous different plants. Pothos are appraised as one of the most outstanding houseplants for eliminating all indoor air poisons. Pothos plants are ostensibly one of the most straightforward plants to develop and really flourish with low light and disregard. These plants purge the demeanor of formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide while additionally wiping out scents. Pothos can likewise assist with reducing eye bothering following a lot of time gazing at screens. Proliferating pothos is one of the simplest things when contrasted with different houseplants. You should simply take a cutting and clip off the lower leaves.
- Pothos is a low-upkeep houseplant that truly does well in different circumstances both sun and shade, wet and dry soil, and an unfortunate substrate.
- This one is self-evident! Pothos is a following plant that can be prepared to develop on nearly anything. The exceptional component of this houseplant is that you can have it as a following or climbing houseplant, whatever suits you. Furthermore, dissimilar to different houseplants, it doesn’t become dull in the absence of daylight.
- It is prescribed to keep the pothos close to WiFi, TV, switch, or PC. The potential advantages are diminished pressure and further developed rest quality.
Pathological problems with neon pothos
The most well-known sickness tainting pothos is Phytophthora root decay. This illness is now and again presented through imported propagative cuttings. Ethylene harm and certain fungicides might cause foliage conditions that intently look like illness yet are not caused by parasitic, bacterial, or viral life forms. For precise conclusions, a close assessment of plant tests for the presence or nonappearance of the microbe is essential. Fungicides containing mefenoxam are known to cause the leaf to consume and die in pothos[7]Attia, M., et al., COMPARATIVE EFFICACY OF FUNGICIDES, COMMERCIAL BIOPRODUCTS, ESSENTIAL OILS, AND PLANT DEFENSE INDUCERS IN CONTROLLING POTHOS ROOT ROT. Plant Archives, 2020. 20(1): p. 919-925. Read.
The use of fungicides furthermore, synthetic compounds during most smoking seasons of the day may likewise cause side effects. Southern curses are normal in warm southern environments. This microbe is seldom found any farther north than Georgia; nonetheless, when moved in plant material, it can flourish in nurseries anyplace in the United States. Pothos leaves are entirely defenseless to Rhizoctonia scourge all through creation from Rhizoctonia solani spores in the dirt.
Rhizoctonia root decay can cause critical harm to pothos cuttings during the establishing stage. Overabundance measures of the component manganese can cause pothos foliage conditions that look like illness, however, are not caused by parasitic, bacterial, or viral life forms. Manganese poisonousness is more normal in more established pothos plants used to supply cutting materials[8]Norman, D.J. and G.S. Ali, Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) Diseases: Identification and Control in Commercial Greenhouse Production: PP340, 7/2018. EDIS, 2018. 2018(4). Read.
↑1 | Meshram, A. and N. Srivastava, Epipremnum aureum (Jade pothos): a multipurpose plant with its medicinal and pharmacological properties. Journal of Critical Reviews, 2015. 2(2): p. 21-5. Read |
↑2 | Henny, R.J., J. Chen, and T.A. Mellich, Epipremnum aureum ‘Green Genie’. HortScience, 2009. 44(6): p. 1783-1784. Read |
↑3 | Guan, X., et al., The complete chloroplast genome of a variety of Epipremnum aureum’Neon'(Araceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2019. 4(1): p. 781-782. Read |
↑4 | Wang, Y.-T., Stock plant fertilization, and cutting storage temperature and duration affect the growth of golden pothos cuttings. Subtropical Plant Sci, 1994. 46: p. 66-68. Read |
↑5 | Khayyat, M., F. Nazari, and H. Salehi, Effects of different pot mixtures on pothos (Epipremnum aureum Lindl. and Andre ‘Golden Pothos’) growth and development. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Science, 2007. 2(4): p. 341-348. Read |
↑6 | Hogan, M.K., 37 houseplants even you can’t kill. 2007: Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. Read |
↑8 | Norman, D.J. and G.S. Ali, Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) Diseases: Identification and Control in Commercial Greenhouse Production: PP340, 7/2018. EDIS, 2018. 2018(4). Read |