Ficus elastica, otherwise called the rubber plant, is a strange-looking varietal local to the jungles of Southeast Asia. This seemingly perpetual plant flaunts curiously large, oval-formed leaves with a rich emerald shade and can develop rapidly, arriving at up to 100 feet tall right at home. It’s not the least demanding plant for amateurs since it’s not extremely lenient on the off chance that it doesn’t get the consideration it needs.
Nonetheless, it’s more normally developed inside as a houseplant, where it very well may be planted and focused on all year, and its size is kept more sensible. With regards to really focusing on an elastic plant, care is clear. It needs sufficient light, dampness, and warmth (it is a tropical plant). Give it a southern or eastern openness, yet get it a few feet away from the windows, and you’ll be compensated with a fascinating expansion to your indoor plant assortment.
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The most widely recognized assortments for developing inside incorporate Ficus elastica ‘Tineke’, Ficus elastica ‘Burgundy’, Ficus elastica ‘Ruby’, Ficus elastica ‘Robusta’, and Ficus elastic, var. variegated. They all develop well inside when given the right circumstances, like more than adequate daylight, yet not brilliant, direct daylight that can without much of a stretch sear its leaves[1]García-Caparrós, P., et al., Types of shelter and covering materials influencing growth, pigment, and nutrient concentrations of baby rubber plants (Peperomia obtusifolia). HortScience, 2018. … Continue reading.

Rubber plants can be proliferated from leaf-tip cuttings, however, it isn’t especially straightforward and is likely simpler to purchase a pruned plant. If you take cuttings, utilize an establishing chemical and be careful about high mugginess and a lot of warmth. Cheer up if they don’t proliferate without any problem. A vague science takes some time.
Rubber plants develop decently fast under the right circumstances and should be repotted consistently until the plant arrives at the level you need. Bigger plants can be challenging to re-pot, so if you can’t move the holder, scratch off a couple of creeps of preparing media and supplant it with new gardening soil. There are a few steps for propagation and re-potting of this variety of rubber plant given below:
- Propagating your variegated rubber tree can take a touch of persistence, however, it’s justified. It’s likewise significantly simpler than you naturally suspect.
- Before you begin, make a point to wear planting gloves, as the sap can cause skin disturbances. Utilize a sharp blade and cut the tail beneath the leaves.
- Each cutting ought to have a hub under the leaf, which is where the roots will grow from.
- Place the cutting in a glass with water, and ensure the lower part of the cutting doesn’t contact the lower part of the glass.
- It can require a while before your cuttings develop any roots, so don’t lose trust too early. When the roots are advanced, your new plant is fit to be pruned.
- While you bring your variegated elastic plant home interestingly, there’s a decent opportunity that it should be re-potted.
- At least, stand by a long time before doing as such, to give the plant time to conform to its new climate.
- You can likewise keep your new plants in their nursery pots any more than half a year.
- Utilize a pot that is around 2 inches more extensive than the nursery pot, or its past compartment. Variegated elastic trees can become very tall — the sign is in the name.
- Contingent upon how quickly it develops, you could have to re-pot it once every 1 to 2 years, to give the roots the space they need.
- Whenever it has maximized the accessible space in its ongoing pot, you will find that development has eased back to a stop, which means that it needs a greater pot[2]Reddy, B.S., et al., Ficus (Family: Moraceae). Read.
Variegated Rubber Plant care and maintenance
Variegated Elastic Trees vary from normal elastic trees in their leaf tone. Conventional elastic trees have dim green leaves yet variegated elastic trees have leaves with shades of red, yellow, cream, and green. They seem as though they have a place in a Joshua tree. Their tones fit the scene of the desert impeccably.
The variegated rubber plant is mildly harmful. Assuming ingested it will cause gastrointestinal issues. Rubber trees likewise have a smooth sap that will cause skin disturbance on the off chance that it sits, so get your infants and pets far from this one!
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Before watering your variegated rubber trees, make sure that the main 1-2 creeps of soil are dry. When dry, water completely. Ensure water can deplete from the plant and water your variegated rubber trees until water runs out of the base. Try not to get leaves wet and don’t allow variegated rubber trees to sit in water. Variegated Elastic Trees commonly need water each 5-7 days in summer and each 10-14 in winter, or when leaves look shriveled[3]Leon, G., Plant: House plants: choosing, styling, caring. 2021: Hachette UK. Read.
Variegated rubber plants like sufficiently bright spots during circuitous daylight. Keep away from direct daylight; it consumes the leaves of the Variegated rubber trees. Try not to put a variegated rubber tree in concealing; it will lose the variegated markings.
Feed your variegated elastic plant during the development season, from spring to the rest of summer. A fluid manure arrangement will turn out great.

Make sure to scale back taking care of it toward the beginning of fall and all through winter. Any other way, your elastic tree will become leggy rather than rugged and thick. Albeit the variegated elastic plant doesn’t require as much air dampness as different plants (taking a gander at you, Calatheas), a lift in moistness is very welcome.
Along these lines, you will not generally dislike fresh leaves. Or on the other hand more terrible, insect bugs. Utilize a humidifier if the air in the room is excessively dry[4]Widmer, R.E. and L.C. Synder, Care of house plants. 1953. Read.
↑1 | García-Caparrós, P., et al., Types of shelter and covering materials influencing growth, pigment, and nutrient concentrations of baby rubber plants (Peperomia obtusifolia). HortScience, 2018. 53(10): p. 1434-1440. Read |
↑2 | Reddy, B.S., et al., Ficus (Family: Moraceae). Read |
↑3 | Leon, G., Plant: House plants: choosing, styling, caring. 2021: Hachette UK. Read |
↑4 | Widmer, R.E. and L.C. Synder, Care of house plants. 1953. Read |