
The Delightful World of Indoor Lavender Plants

Lavender has ornamental flowers and beautiful silver-green leaves, and it is universally popular as an ornamental plant with a pleasant aroma. Lavender is well known as plants that grow in large fields in Provence in France or in Mediterranean gardens, but it can also be grown at home. In this article, we will describe the peculiarities of growing lavender indoors, what types can be grown in indoor conditions, and what advantages this plant can bring to your home, as well as detailed guidelines on how to properly care for lavender in an indoor setting.

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Varieties Suitable for Indoors Growth

When choosing Lavender for growing indoors, you need to focus on those that are dwarf types and do well in a container environment.

Lavandula Angustifolia (English Lavender):

English lavender is characterized by a sweet scent, and small size and comes in the ‘Hidcote’ and ‘Munstead’ types, perfect for growing indoors.

Lavandula dentata (French Lavender):

Lavandin, or French lavender, which has toothed leaves and large, brightly colored flowers, is also well adapted to indoor conditions. Some of the varieties preferred include ‘Goodwin Creek Grey’.

Lavandula stoechas (Spanish Lavender):

This variety is characterized by flower heads with bracts on them that are different from other varieties. Species like ‘Anouk’ and ‘Otto Quast’ are ideal for growing in an indoor setting.

Lavandula multifida (Fernleaf Lavender):

Characterized by its feathery leaves and ability to adapt to different environmental conditions, this type of plant can be grown indoors well.

Benefits of Indoor Lavender

Aromatic Ambiance:

Lavender is well-known for its scent which can relieve stress and tension in people. It can also be relaxing to have it indoors contributing to the serene environment within your compound.

Air Purification:

Lavender can be utilized in the removal of toxic matters in your living environment, hence helping to detoxify the air that you breathe.

Pest Repellent:

The natural oils in lavender prevent indoor pests such as moths, mosquitoes, and flies from infesting your home.

Therapeutic Uses:

One of the uses is that lavender can be harvested to produce its flowers and essential oils which can be used in making potpourri, sachets, or even cosmetic products such as natural lotions.

Image Source: Pixabay

Environmental Conditions for Indoor Lavender plant

However, to promote adequate growth of the indoor lavender plant, it is required that you create the Mediterranean conditions as closely as possible.

Light Requirements:

Lavender is a perennial herb that is taken under the sun. This plant needs at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day or ideally placed in a sunny window. Put your lavender plant in a south-facing window it will give it proper light. If natural light is unavailable, you can opt to use grow lights.


Lavender plants require warmth in that the recommended temperatures for the plants are between 65-75°F (18-24°C) in the daytime and
cooler at night. It is important not to put the plant near sources of drafts or heat such as air conditioner units and heaters.


Avoid wet conditions by using well-draining soil as indoor lavender is usually plagued by root rot. You can use various types of cactus soil or take ordinary garden soil mixed with sand or perlite.


Lavenders are also adapted to dry and warm environments and like most plants, they need to be watered in between known dry periods. It is necessary to wet the soil and then let it dry to the bottom before turning on the water again. Waterlogging may result in the rotting of Underground stems and the development of tree diseases.


Lavender needs less humidity and additional light watering during the growing season due to its summer-watering characteristics. It is, however, important to note that moisture content in air raises the chances of mold and mildew. The plant should be provided adequate airflow and should not be watered with a fine mist as this will accumulate on the foliage.


Lavender is not a heavy feeder by any means, so planting it amidst frequent watering would be more than adequate. A diluted quarter- or half-strength chemical fertilizer can be applied once monthly during the period when the plant is actively growing (spring and summer). Over-fertilization weakens the plants’ fragrance and general health because too much fertilizer contributes to the reduction of their aromatic oils.

Image Source: Pixabay

Pruning and Maintenance

One of the ways that a lavender plant be maintained is by practicing regular pruning to ensure its correct shape and health. Here’s how to do it:

Initial Pruning:

Trim the young lavender by pinching the growing tips to encourage more multiple branching throughout the plant.

Seasonal Pruning:

Organically grown herbs, for example, marjoram, can be planted nearby as they require less care, but remember to cut down the first bloom and approximately one-third of the remaining green blossoms so that they can start a second blooming.

Annual Pruning:

During early fall or late spring, prune it back to be one-third of its size and then form the plant into a dome. Do not make any cuts that will cause a section of the stem with woody tissue as new shoots arise from the soft part of the stem and not from the mature wood.


Select a Healthy Stem:

Select a young stem without flowers or any budding portion on it.

Take Cuttings:

Take a 4-6” cutting right below the edge where leaves appear from the stem.

Prepare the Cutting:

Cut off lower leaves and if the hormone powder is available put the cut end in it.


Place the cutting in a pot that contains light soil that mixes with excellent drainage and water it lightly.

Image Source: Pexels


Water the plant moderately, meaning the soil should be moist but not wet, and put the pot in a partially sunny location with indirect light. Roots should emerge in a few weeks, and from there, a new plant can be transplanted in an individual pot.

Common Issues and Solutions

Yellowing Leaves:

Often caused by overwatering. Make sure the right drainage is present and allow the soil to dry before watering again.

Leggy Growth:

Lack of adequate light makes the plant have long stems instead of growing only fats and branches. Either, reposition it to a more favorable area with ample light or add artificial lighting.

Pest Infestations:

Some of the most common pests that affect them are spider mites and aphids. Use insecticidal soap or neem oil to control the pest infestations.

Mold and Mildew:

Condensed moisture and a stuffy environment lead to mold formation and the presence of mildew. Aim to keep the humidity levels low, and do not spray the plant with water.

Image Source: Pexels

Harvesting and Using Lavender

Lavender growers have one of the greatest pleasures of trimming their plants and collecting the flowers.

When to Harvest:

Collect the flowers when they are still tightly held by the sepals but showing the first signs of opening to benefit from the highest quality oils and colors.

How to Harvest:

To remove the flowering stems, it is recommended to use a pair of scissors or pruning shears to make clean cuts above the basal leaves.


When it is well mixed, collet the stems together and suspend the flowers upside down preferably in a cool dark, and dry place to enhance the color and fragrance of the flowers.


Some suggested uses of dried lavender include the use in making sachets, potpourri, and craft work. Lavender oil can be refined and used for aromatherapy, skin care products, and cooking purposes.


However, it is also possible to grow a lavender plant indoors and this can bring beauty, fragrance, and the feel of the Mediterranean into your house. If you carefully select the variety and properly grow this plant you can reap many benefits from this all around the year. If you are a professional florist, have some plant-growing experience, or are fully new to it, indoor lavender will be a pleasant and fragrant addition to your home.