
Snake plant turning yellow? 6 Reasons and Solutions

1. Stress with over or under-watering routine

The snake plant regularly known as “mother-in-law’s tongue”, is believed to be an indestructible houseplant. The snake plant is delicious and like all succulents, they have adjusted to store water in their leaves for significantly long periods of time between watering. This implies that they are very dry-spell lenient. In any case, this does not imply that they can do without water completely.

Snake plants will give indications of pain when they are not watered as expected. Assuming you notice that the leaves are beginning to yellow, this could imply watering pressure. The snake plant needs barely sufficient water with the goal that the soil is damp but not saturated. Permit the soil to dry in the middle between watering.

The most widely recognized botch with watering snake plants is that individuals will generally over-water them. Snake plants are extremely delicate to a lot of water and will begin to yellow in the event that they are overwatered. If one has assumed that he might have overwatered your snake plant, the best game plan is to quit watering it all together and permit the soil to dry out totally.

When the soil is dry, continue watering as typical. While the principal offender is overwatering, it is feasible to submerge your sansevieria trifasciata too. Underwatering can cause the snake plant to pass on to become yellow and hang. Underwatering is probably going to happen when your snake plant is in a pot and the temperature has been especially warm. The soil in pots will in general dry out more quickly than soil in the ground.

If there is a situation in which you might be under-watering your snake plant, increment the recurrence of watering and check whether this assists with bringing back a portion of the green tones in the leaves. Assuming the leaves are as yet yellow and withered, it’s conceivable that the roots have proactively begun to spoil and the plant won’t recuperate. For this situation, you might have to begin with another snake plant[1]Sevik, H., H. Karakas, and U. Karaca, Color—Chlorophyll relationship of some indoor ornamental plantsity. Int. J. Eng. Sci. Res. Technol, 2013. 2: p. 1706-1712. Read.

2. Fungal infections

Fungal diseases can be brought about by a few unique variables, including overwatering, unfortunate seepage, or damp circumstances. This is also the primary reason behind leaves turning yellow. To treat fungal infection, begin by working on the developing states of your plant. Try to keep the soil sodden yet not wet, and give a great wind stream around the sansevieria plant.

You can likewise have a go at utilizing a fungicide to kill the fungus. Make certain to adhere to the directions on the mark cautiously, as certain fungicides can be destructive to plants. Assuming that you are overwatering the plant, it can cause fungal diseases. Indeed, even root decay can cause contagious illnesses. If the soil gets tainted or on the other hand assuming the plants are packed, it can likewise cause infectious sicknesses.

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Fungal diseases can influence the general health of your plant. In this way, there are chances that the leaves of the plant would become yellow because of such parasitic diseases. You must be watching out for your plant for conceivable fungal sicknesses such as;

Contagious leaf spots: If there is root rot, it will harm your snake plant. The plant may be getting improper air. It is also conceivable that you can be giving a lot of water to the plant that is causing this issue.

Anthracnose: You may be overwatering the plant or clouding excessively. High levels of humidity and the off chance that you douse or soak the leaves with water this fungal infection can create. If your snake plant is impacted by the contagious sickness or disease, it would influence the development of the plant as the course of photosynthesis would likewise be intruded. To battle these illnesses you need to utilize successful fungicides and clean the soil blend as well as the containers or pots[2]Lai, B., et al., Paenibacillus polymyxa causes yellow withered spot disease in Dracaena trifasciata in the South of China. Australasian Plant Pathology, 2021. 50(5): p. 603-608. Read[3]Huang, S., et al., First report of soft rot caused by Aspergillus niger sensu lato on mother-in-law’s tongue in China. Plant Disease, 2021. 105(3): p. 703-703. Read.

Fungal infections on snake plant
Image Source: Semantic Scholar

3. Insect pests infestation

Yellow snake plant leaves can likewise be caused by sap-sucking insect pest infestation. The most widely recognized pests that influence snake plants are mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites. Mealybugs are smaller, white bugs that feed on the plant’s sap. They can cause the leaves of a snake plant to become yellow and may ultimately kill the plant whenever left unrestrained. Assuming you suspect that your snake plant has mealybugs; you can have a go at treating it with insecticidal cleanser and green oil.

Mites such as Spider mites are little insects that feed on plant leaves. They are regularly difficult to detect since they are so small and normally on the undersides of the leaves. They can cause the leaves of a snake plant to become yellow. To treat these, one can utilize a green oil or insecticidal cleanser such as soap.

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Aphids are also small insects; these green insect pests can feed on the plant’s sap. They will generally frame in groups and can cause the leaves of a snake plant to become yellow. Assuming you suspect that your snake plant has aphids; you can start treating it with insecticidal cleanser or green oil. You can likewise take a stab at crushing them with your fingers or shooting them off with a hose. To forestall this harm, eliminate bugs when you spot them. You can utilize a wet, lathery material to clear bugs off your plant. On the other hand, you can shower the bugs with insecticidal cleanser or horticulture-based oil[4]Stocks, I., Pest Alert. Fiorinia proboscidaria, 2015. Read.

bugs on snake plant
Image Source: Garden For Indoor

4. Temperature fluctuations

Snake plants are local to tropical areas of Africa and favor warm temperatures. They flourish in temperatures between 50-80 degrees Fahrenheit. On the off chance that the temperature decreases excessively low or ascends too high abruptly, this can result in the snake plant passes on to become yellow[5]Husti, A., et al., Assessing the Indoor Pollutants Effect on Ornamental Plants Leaves by FT-IR Spectroscopy. Acta Physica Polonica, A., 2016. 129(1). Read.

In case one notices that his snake plant leaves are becoming yellow, attempt to find a spot in your home that has more reliable temperatures. Snake plants could do without drafts, so ensure they are not close to any doors or entryways, or windows that open and close now and again. Even though snake plants have gained notoriety for getting by in low light, they will perform best in brilliant, backhanded light. While it is actually these strong plants can live in obscure regions, they might endure on the off chance that you leave them in dull spots for quite a while.

If you notice your snake plant’s leaves are becoming yellow, move it to an area that gets somewhat more amount of light[6]Davison, E., Interior plants: Selection and care. 1998. Read.

snake plant in shade
Image Source: Microveggy

5. Nutrient deficiency and overuse of fertilizer

Quite possibly the most widely recognized issue that gardeners face is the lack of nutrients in their soil for plants. One of the most common issues regarding this is a deficiency of nitrogen in the soil. This can cause the leaves of a snake plant to become yellow, as well as hinder its growth. To address this issue, nursery workers need to add nitrogen-rich manure to the soil.

This will assist with guaranteeing that the plant gets the supplements it requires to appropriately develop. Gardeners ought to likewise make certain to screen the soil pH, as something over the top or too little causticity can likewise prompt supplement inadequacies. By making these strides, landscapers can guarantee that their snake plants will remain sound and flourish.

However, there are also more chances that you may be over-fertilizing your plant. Ideally, let’s give manure to the plants when there is a need and you are holding back nothing. Overloading is not a good arrangement for snake plants. Also, you should not add manures during winter as the plant would be torpid. You ought to understand what manure is appropriate for your snake plant and in what amount.

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Since it is now so obvious that over-preparing can make the leaves become yellow, understanding what is the right frequency is significant. It would be very fascinating for you to realize that the snake plant wouldn’t require a lot of compost, yet you can treat it during the developing time of the plant. Abstain from adding manure during the dormant time of the plant[7]Pennisi, S.V., Gardening in containers using tropical plants. 2008. Read.

nutrient deficiency in soil
Image Source: Gardener Basics

6. Poor drainage and natural aging

Assuming that you have noticed your snake plant’s leaves were becoming yellow, it very well may be an indication that the plant had not been getting sufficient drainage. Snake plants need well-depleting soil to flourish, and in the event that the soil is excessively thick or compacted, it can make the roots decay.

If you figure deficient and inadequate drainage might be the issue, give repotting a try to your snake plant into a pot with a lot of seepage openings. You may likewise need to alter the soil with some perlite or sand to work on its seepage. With some extra care, your snake plant ought before long to return and its leaves will get back to their standard green tone[8]Pennisi, S.V., Gardening in containers using tropical plants. 2008. Read.

One last justification for why snake plant passes on may become yellow is essential because of regular maturing. As snake plants age, their leaves will slowly start to become yellow and afterward brown. This is an ordinary piece of the plant’s lifecycle and is not something to be worried about. When the leaves have become brown, they will ultimately tumble off the plant.

Snake plants will then create new leaves that are green. Thus, assuming you see your snake plant’s leaves become yellow, do not be frightened. You have really focused on it well and for quite a while if so. It could simply be a characteristic piece of the plant’s lifecycle[9]Lim, P.O. and H.G. Nam, Aging and senescence of the leaf organ. Journal of Plant Biology, 2007. 50(3): p. 291-300. Read.


1Sevik, H., H. Karakas, and U. Karaca, Color—Chlorophyll relationship of some indoor ornamental plantsity. Int. J. Eng. Sci. Res. Technol, 2013. 2: p. 1706-1712. Read
2Lai, B., et al., Paenibacillus polymyxa causes yellow withered spot disease in Dracaena trifasciata in the South of China. Australasian Plant Pathology, 2021. 50(5): p. 603-608. Read
3Huang, S., et al., First report of soft rot caused by Aspergillus niger sensu lato on mother-in-law’s tongue in China. Plant Disease, 2021. 105(3): p. 703-703. Read
4Stocks, I., Pest Alert. Fiorinia proboscidaria, 2015. Read
5Husti, A., et al., Assessing the Indoor Pollutants Effect on Ornamental Plants Leaves by FT-IR Spectroscopy. Acta Physica Polonica, A., 2016. 129(1). Read
6Davison, E., Interior plants: Selection and care. 1998. Read
7, 8Pennisi, S.V., Gardening in containers using tropical plants. 2008. Read
9Lim, P.O. and H.G. Nam, Aging and senescence of the leaf organ. Journal of Plant Biology, 2007. 50(3): p. 291-300. Read