
Global Green Pothos | Propagation, Care, and Diseases

Pothos plants collectively belong to the Epipremnum genus, aureum species. They are timeless and still wildly popular houseplants, and they go by several names. Golden pothos, ivy arum, marble queen, devil’s ivy, devil’s vine, and more are included in this genus. Pothos plants come from Mo’orea, a volcanic island in French Polynesia. It has additionally been naturalized all through tropical and subtropical environments in South Africa, Australia, Southeast, and South Asia, the Pacific Islands, and the West Indies.

The Epipremnum aureum ‘Global Green’ is a delightfully textured container plant. Its shiny leaves with marbling impact make it an optimal houseplant to welcome that new tropical energy into the solace of your home. The Global Green Pothos is another cultivar that might be very interesting but not precisely costly.

The Global green pothos plants are made more magnificent by their complex surface and dynamic appearance. Being popular in recent years, they have been more widely utilized from that point forward, either as a component for gardens, an indoor hanging plant, or as a ravishing corner plant.

Tragically, the Epipremnum aureum, the global green pothos is poisonous to people and creatures. The plant’s harmfulness is because of calcium oxalate gems which can cause oral and skin rash and irritations, queasiness, throat swelling, and loose bowels. Subsequently, it very well might be ideal to put them in a raised spot or any area away from children under 5 years and pets.

Global green Pothos
Image Source: Costa Farms

An interesting fact about it is that all plant parts of The Global Green Pothos are harmful, and however may not be as lethal to people, they can, in any case, lead to serious clinical issues like mouth irritation, blisters, diarrhea, and difficulty in swallowing. It can be more toxic especially if ingested in larger portions or if the sap comes into contact with the skin.

Get the plant far from little kids. Whenever developed at home, it could be ideal to develop the plant on a hanging bin or put it on any raised spots, for example, on top hanging with sealing and corner tables – trying to prune off the leaves and stems when they become excessively lengthy.

Read: Marble Queen Pothos – Propagation, Care, Uses, and Problems

Guard your pets against ingestion of any piece of the Global Green Pothos by establishing it on a hanging bushel or by just deciding to develop the plant outside. Assuming your fuzzy companion bit on the leaves or stems, a portion of the side effects that might happen is a disturbance of the eyes, lips, and mouth.

It might likewise cause extreme slobbering, pawning of the mouth, blood in the stool/pee, and fretfulness. Consuming a lot of calcium oxalate precious stones could be deadly for animals. So on the off chance that any of the above side effects happened, an outing to the vet ought to be made right away[1]Wu, Y., X. Cai, and Y. Tang, Outcomes of Low-Temperature Stress on Biological Alterations within Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) Leaves. Life, 2022. 12(9): p. 1432. Read.

Global Green Pothos Propagation
Image Source: By Brittany Goldwyn

Plant description and details

Being rare to most regions globally the Global Green Pothos appearance makes it a shocking expansion to your plant assortment. With the right climate, the Epipremnum Aureum ‘Global Green’ will remunerate you with profoundly variegated foliage that radiates a tropical vibrancy, inviting that fresh ambiance whether you grow them outside or indoors. The foliage of the Global Green Pothos is presumably its most special element.

The arbitrary lime green splotches spreading to its dark green leaf are said to have come about because of normally happening transformation, drawing in plant devotees and landscapers from practically all pieces of the globe. The marbling variegation of the Epipremnum Aureum ‘Global Green’ is very flighty and most plant guardians think that it is intriguing. Consequently, the plant is generally developed as a houseplant to light up spaces and fill a fair spot in the nursery. In their wild territory, the plant can grow and trail up to 10 ft. long.

Global green pothos flowering seldom happens indoors. Their adolescent stage is in many cases sold on the lookout, and blooming happens at the full-grown stage. Nonetheless, the plant’s wild begetter might deliver various erect blossom stalks and inflorescence, embellished with smooth grayish spathe with a smidgen of purple and spadix around 6-10 inches long.

Read: Elephant Ear Plant (Colocasia) – Propagation and Care

When growth is at an optimal and ideal condition, the size of Global Green Pothos can arrive at up to 10 ft. long. As it matures, it would develop a trailing and climbing habit which may need support from a stake or pole. The aerial roots, similar to other pothos, help the plants to climb up to a surface. The leaves may even reach up to 3 ft. in length, even in an indoor setting.

The general, as well as the optimal growth rate of Global Green Pothos, is moderate to quick. In any case, do not agonize over repotting frequently because it requires 2-3 years before it can grow out of its ongoing pot. There is no particular aroma that might be viewed as a Global green pothos scent. Nonetheless, a few reports demonstrate that the plant emits a sweet-smelling smell, like new spices.

The closest cousin to Global Green is the Emerald Pothos. Sometimes they are confused with each other, but this plant is most recognizable by its splotchy, sort of pixelated coloring of light green on a dark green border surface. Emerald Pothos is the opposite, with dark green marbling and variegation on top of a light green background. They are almost a mirrored image of each other and make for a gorgeous combo[2]Hung, C. and J. Xie, A comparison of plants regenerated from a variegated Epipremnum aureum. Biologia plantarum, 2009. 53(4): p. 610-616. Read.

Epipremnum Global Green Pothos
Image Source: All About Gardening

Propagation of Global Green Pothos

Pothos plants commonly never reach maturity in indoor circumstances, accordingly, they are propagated and expanded vegetative (with cuttings) instead of sexually (with seeds). Propagation is a basic method for adding to your pothos collection while empowering more full development in your existing plants.

  • Begin with a healthy, vigorous vine from a mother plant. Disinfect a sharp blade or pruners in a weakened liquor answer to keep any illness or microbes from entering the plant.
  • Count back 2-4 leaves from the tip of the plant and cut at a 45° point simply behind the back hub. Nodes are those brownish-colored nubs that emerge where the leaves meet the stem. This is where new roots will arise, so you must have no less than 2 hubs to lower submerged.
  • Place the cutting in a container of new room-temperature water and change it every two or three weeks. The cutting can be established in similar circumstances as the mother plant: room temperature and backhanded daylight like a northbound window.
  • It normally requires half a month to 2 months for the pothos slicing to start developing roots. At the point when it has vigorous roots that are 2-4″ long, you can relocate it into a much depleted preparing blend very much like your other pothos.
  • Cuttings can likewise be established in sphagnum peat greenery and perlite, coco coir, or a cushy preparing blend. We simply need to observe that water is the least demanding way. No matter what your strategy, it assists with keeping the child cuttings well humidified with a clouding of water and reliably warm circumstances[3]Liyanage, K., et al., Modified Coir Dust Media Elevate the Production of Superior Quality Epipremnum aureum. L Plantlets Derived from Stem Cuttings. 2021. Read.
Global Green Pothos Care

Transplantation of Global green pothos

Like all pothos, Global Green plants like to get a tad root-bound (however not insane tangled) before you relocate them. You might begin to see roots following around the lower part of the holder or jabbing out of the pot’s waste opening. This is a certain sign that the time has come to relocate! On the off chance that you have unintentionally stood by excessively lengthy to up-pot the pothos, you can relax! They are quite forgiving, but it will help to use a stick or your fingers to loosen up those tangled swirling roots so they can easily dive into the soil of their new container[4]Tian, N., et al., The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Epipremnum aureum and its comparative analysis among eight Araceae species. PLoS One, 2018. 13(3): p. e0192956. Read.

Care of Global Green Pothos

  • While watering, provide the pothos with a generous dose of water until it runs out of the base seepage opening of the pot. The water ought to effectively infiltrate the dirt and never “pool up” or become spongy and waterlogged.
  • All types of E. aureum lean toward a much depleted, excellent preparing blend. The ideal pH is somewhere in the range of 6.0 and 6.5.
  • Make certain to never over-treat or consume your pothos plants, which might bring about yellowed leaves with dim earthy colored splotches.
  • Global Green Pothos likes comfortable temperatures somewhere in the range of 60° and 80°F. It can endure a piece more blazing for however long it is not in direct daylight.
  • The main thing is to put this plant away from entryways or windows that are dependent upon cold winter drafts. These tropical plants truly disdain the cold and will bite the dust assuming that temps go beneath 50°F.
  • Global Green Pothos needs brilliant backhanded daylight that isn’t excessively obscure yet is not excessively unforgiving by the same token.
  • Global Green cannot deal with really low-light circumstances. Part of the justification behind this is the leaf mottling, which brings about less chlorophyll on the lighter green parts.
  • Fog on more than one occasion per week probably; be certain that the leaves are rarely excessively doused, as this could advance contagious infections.
  • Prune your Global Green Pothos routinely to keep a clean look and empower thick development. Pruning is likewise an extraordinary method for reestablishing variegation.
  • Assuming your Global Green Pothos is developing long, exposed stems, this demonstrates that the plant needs more sun.
  • If your Global Green Pothos has been in your care for a few months and you’re providing it with ideal growing conditions but it’s suddenly wilting, its roots may be strangled by a mesh wrap[5]Sojeetra, N.H. and R. Acharya, A review on ethnomedicinal claims and spread of Pothos scandens L. European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 2020. 31(5): p. 22-28. Read.

Diseases and pest problems

  • If your pothos plants start to yellow, it is likely an indication of overwatering or root decay. Look at the dirt dampness and cut back on watering if necessary. If the leaves have a smidgen browner close to the yellow, they may not be getting sufficient light.
  • Pothos plants can get burned by the sun from brilliant direct daylight. Assuming passes on start to look brown or crunchy move the plant away from the window toward more weakened daylight.
  • In some cases, houseplants are dependent upon mealybugs, thrips, or gnats. Growth gnats specifically might be an indication of overwatering or waterlogged soil[6]Sawwan, J.S., A Study of Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum) Water Requirements. 1987: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Read.


1Wu, Y., X. Cai, and Y. Tang, Outcomes of Low-Temperature Stress on Biological Alterations within Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) Leaves. Life, 2022. 12(9): p. 1432. Read
2Hung, C. and J. Xie, A comparison of plants regenerated from a variegated Epipremnum aureum. Biologia plantarum, 2009. 53(4): p. 610-616. Read
3Liyanage, K., et al., Modified Coir Dust Media Elevate the Production of Superior Quality Epipremnum aureum. L Plantlets Derived from Stem Cuttings. 2021. Read
4Tian, N., et al., The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Epipremnum aureum and its comparative analysis among eight Araceae species. PLoS One, 2018. 13(3): p. e0192956. Read
5Sojeetra, N.H. and R. Acharya, A review on ethnomedicinal claims and spread of Pothos scandens L. European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 2020. 31(5): p. 22-28. Read
6Sawwan, J.S., A Study of Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum) Water Requirements. 1987: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Read