Scindapsus pictus, usually known as satin silk pothos or silk pothos, is a sluggish developing tropical evergreen climber in the Arum family. It is local to Southeast Asia. In its local natural surroundings, it climbs tree trunks by ethereal rootlets or on the other hand if unsupported tumbles along the ground. Outside plants commonly develop to 3-6′ (less much of the time to 10′) tall whenever developed through a tree, over a pergola, or against a wall. In the U.S., this plant is ordinarily developed inside as an elaborate plant for enthusiasm for its substitute, alluringly designed leaves.
Scindapsus is viewed as endemic to Southeast Asia, meaning it commonly just fills the wild in an exceptionally restricted region of that country. Scindapsus cannot endure direct daylight or temperatures under 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). In that capacity, beyond Southeast Asia, it is developed solely as a houseplant. The leaves are for the most part heart molded or oval and variegated, i.e., a blend of varieties. The leaves have a thick, rugged feel to them and can be a few shades of green, containing white, silver, or yellow hues. The plant’s alluring diverse and solid passes on have become famous augmentations to decorative designs.

Scindapsus favor low to splendid backhanded light and can endure a wide assortment of soil types. Scindapsus likewise really likes to dry out among watering and can recuperate rapidly from disregard. To engender Scindapsus, basically cut off a piece of the stem, ideally at a point, and spot it in water. Scindapsus will rapidly develop roots and can be relocated in a compartment of fertilized soil.
A few assortments of Scindapsus, specifically the Brilliant Pothos, will develop for quite a long time in water alone. Satin silk pothos leaves come in two unique structures: adolescent leaves are oval and whole, however mature leaves have pinnate lobes. Here and there leaves on a developed plant will have both whole and pinnate leaves. This plant is regularly developed in its adolescent stage which highlights praise, whole leaves (3-4″ long) with heart-formed bases. Each leaf is silk-finished and matte green to dark green above enlivened with sporadic silver-dim blotches, yet paler and un-blotched underneath.
Read: Manjula Pothos – Propagation, Care, and Facts
Indoor plants regularly develop to 18-36″ tall on the off chance that prepared on a help, for example, a greenery stick, however, may develop taller in business plantings or nurseries. Plants may likewise be followed from hanging bushels. Spikes of small immaterial apetalous flowers encased in spathes sprout in summer. Flowers are trailed by little berries. Flowers and berries seldom show up on indoor plants. Genus’s name comes from the Greek skindapsos, which has different implications including “upon tree trunks” concerning plant development propensity.

Scindapsus is exceptionally well known as a houseplant and is tracked down in many homes and workplaces all over the planet. In light of its notoriety, the plant has numerous normal names. Brilliant Pothos, Fiend’s Ivy, Taro Plant, and Ivy Arum are only a couple. Scindapsus isn’t an ivy, by definition, however many individuals allude to it as such as a result of its climbing and following nature. Scindapsus can be urged to climb walls and different designs or fill in hanging containers.
Read: Marble Queen Pothos – Propagation, Care, Uses, and Problems
Like the majority of the plants in the Araceae family, Scindapsus is a harmful plant. The sap, i.e., the liquid substance inside the leaves, contains a synthetic known as calcium oxalate precious stones. At the point when the leaves of a Scindapsus are cut or broken, the sap can make minor bother to the skin. At the point when bitten, the sap can aggravation the lips, tongue, and throat. A few assortments of Scindapsus can be destructive whenever ingested in enormous amounts by little kids or pets[1]Salempa, P. and O. Jumadi. Phytochemical Test and Toxicity Test for Methanol Extract of Belajang Susu (Scindapsus pictus Hassk.). in Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2019: IOP Publishing. Read.
Types and varieties of silver pothos
Scindapsus Pictus argyraeus
The argyraeus assortment has even more of a dull green look as opposed to different assortments. Its leaves are by and large on the more modest side, and on top of the green leaves, there are little silver markings. The boundaries of the leaves are likewise silver. This is logical to the rendition you will experience at large box stores and nearby nurseries. Scindapsus Pictus ‘Argyraeus’ is a simple to develop vining plant whose light green foliage is spotted with gleaming, intelligent variegation.
The heart-formed leaves are smooth to the touch and matte on the surface, which has driven this plant to have the normal names Philodendron Silver and Silk Pothos (however organically it is neither Philodendron nor Pothos). This little-leafed Scindapsus cultivar shows its variegation in a wonderful spotting design all through the leaves. Ultimately, its plants develop very lengthily, going with Scinapsus pictus an extraordinary decision for the hanging grower[2]OTHMAN, A.S.B., P.C. BOYCE, and C.L. KENG, Studies on Monstereae (Araceae) of Peninsular Malaysia III: Scindapsus lucens, a New Record for Malaysia, and a Key to Peninsular Malaysian Scindapsus. … Continue reading.

Scindapsus Pictus silvery Anne
This variety looks a great deal like the argyraeus assortment. Shiny Anne has hazier green leaves and hence to a greater extent a differentiation between the green and the silver markings. A portion of the leaves can be practically all green, while others can look almost “plunged” in silver. The shimmery, dull green leaves have silver spots and flecks all through and silver leaf edges.
Read: Neon Pothos Propagation, Care, Benefits, and Problems
It’s not unexpectedly seen hanging nimbly from hanging bushels or pouring out of pots. Silver Pothos inclines toward stickiness and splendid, aberrant daylight. The leaf tips might brown on the off chance that the air is excessively dry. Silver Pothos has a few normal names including Silk Pothos or Silver Philodendron however regardless of what name you call it, ‘Brilliant Anne’ will carry a hint of ethereal magnificence to your indoor plant assortment[3]Heil, R.A., A Dynamic Assessment of Indoor Air Quality Through Passive and Active Filtration Measures Applied to the Built Environment in a Residential Application. 2021, The University of Arizona. … Continue reading.

Scindapsus Pictus (Jade Satin Silk)
Scindapsus Pictus ‘Jade Satin silk’ is an intriguing Scindapsus cultivar with profound jade-green, heart-formed leaves. Like different assortments, ‘Jade Satin silk’ has smooth foliage, developing on plants that can ultimately get very lengthy. In any case, not at all like different cultivars set apart by their shimmering variegation, Scindapsus ‘Jade Silk’ leaves are strong green. Here is a basic delight in its interesting tone and delicate surface, making it no big surprise that this is one of the most profoundly sought-after Scindapsus Pictus cultivars.
This assortment is now and again mistaken for standard old jade pothos, yet it is more intriguing. The leaves are thicker — a lot thicker — than pothos leaves. They don’t have silver like the other pictus assortments; however, they truly do have a cool surface[4]Durber, S., Make Your Own Indoor Garden: How to Fill Your Home with Low Maintenance Greenery. Make Your Own Indoor Garden, 2021: p. 1-112. Read.

Scindapsus Pictus exotica
Exotica is my favorite variety given how enormous the leaves get and how silver it can look! It has bigger leaves with additional variegation among green and silver. A portion of my leaves have practically no green, it’s wild. This assortment is turning out to be quite simple to find at nearby nurseries. Scindapsus Pictus ‘Exotica’ is a fiery vining plant whose light green foliage is dotted with gleaming, intelligent variegation.
The heart-formed leaves are smooth to the touch and very matte on the surface, which is maybe why the plant is likewise known by the normal names Philodendron Silver and Silk Pothos (however naturally it is neither Philodendron nor Pothos). This huge leafed cultivar of Scindapsus Pictus shows more extreme variegation than the standard sort, covering somewhere in the range of 60-90% of the leaf. Ultimately, its plants develop very lengthily, pursuing Scinapsus pictus an incredible decision for the hanging grower.

In its natural habitat, Scindapsus Pictus assortments move up different plants and trees. As a houseplant, it very well may be prepared to climb, or you could plant its stems along a wall utilizing little nails or order snares. I like to trail mine off the side of a rack. At the point, when this plant is blissful and sound, the stems can develop north of 3 feet in length. To support more development, give your plant houseplant manure generally one time each month[5]Mat Amin, M.Z., et al., Economic production of selected ornamental plants: multispecies and Arundina orchid. Economic and Technology Management Review, 2020. 15. Read.
Propagation of Silver Pothos
This is an extremely low-upkeep plant concerning pruning, and that is something that makes Scindapsus Pictus care so engaging. It needs no pruning, however, you can avoid the stems to control their size. Pruning the stems can likewise assist with giving the plant a fuller look since it will energize stem development out — the plant will not develop new development from the area you cut.
On that note, assuming you choose to prune your Scindapsus pictus, you can take a shot at proliferating it. Similar to pothos plants and heart-leaf philodendrons, this is an exceptionally simple plant to spread. You can proliferate Scindapsus Pictus stem cuttings in water the very same way you engender pothos cuttings in water.
Rooting Scindapsus Pictus cuttings in water
Nonetheless, Scindapsus Pictus has somewhat of a “bounce back” period changing roots that were filled in water to establish that capability in soil. That is because water roots are unique to soil roots. (Have you at any point asked why plant cuttings can live in the water yet they will pass on if you overwater them in soil? This is a way!)
Read: Goldfish Plant – Care, Propagation, and Varieties
At the point when you will take these cuttings, simply ensure there is a hub or two on each cutting. The hubs are the little earthy-colored knocks or “nubs” on the stems. The third photograph is half a month in the wake of establishing the cuttings. The cuttings did shrink just a tad; however, keep in water for half a month. When you began watering ordinarily once more and got this person in a bright spot, he began to flourish in the dirt, liven up, and give me new development[6]Masnira, M., et al., A Propagation Technique of Scindapsus pictus and Piper porphyrophyllum as a New Native Functional Plant for Indoor Landscape. TRANSACTIONS OF THE MALAYSIAN SOCIETY OF PLANT … Continue reading.

Stem-cutting of Scindapsus Pictus (in soil)
In the spring or late spring, take four-inch tip cuttings from a sound plant. Place them in a four-inch pot loaded up with new indoor fertilized soil blend and great waste. Keep the dirt equitably wet and in a similar circuitous light area as the mother plant. After about a month, new development ought to demonstrate that the plant has been established, and you can change to a rarer watering plan[7]Salem, M., T. Abou Dahab, and N. Mansour, Ornamental Horticulture Department. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ. Read.
Care of Silver Pothos
- Satin silk pothos is a low-support houseplant. Notwithstanding the normal consideration of watering and preparing, an additional step you can take to further develop its appearance is clipping off any harmed or dead leaves and pruning when the plants are becoming excessively lengthy and scanty.
- Scaling back the plant will support new leaf development and make it more full. Pruning is best finished in the spring while the developing season begins.
- Assuming that your satin silk pothos aggregates dust, you can wash the leaves with water. Try not to utilize oil to make them sparkle, as it can obstruct the cells and influence the passes the capacity to relax.
- Silk pothos (Scindapsus pictus) needs splendid light however it should be backhanded. When presented with full direct sun, its leaves will lose their variegation and get burned.
- Utilize a business indoor preparing blend, which as of now contains supplements and guarantees great waste through its mix of peat greenery, pine bark, and perlite or vermiculite. Scindapsus Pictus does ineffectively in wet, spongy soil.
- While watering silk pothos, the key is to stay away from overwatering, which will show itself in yellow leaves and the plant withering.
- Water just when the best two crawls of the dirt feel dry to the touch — stick your finger into the dirt to check. Water gradually and profoundly with room-temperature water until you see water leaking out of the channel openings.
- Satin silk pothos is a tropical plant, and that implies it needs warmth and dampness. The ideal development temperature goes from 65 to 85 degrees F. At a lower temperature, it will experience cold harm and pass on. In dry air, the leaf tips can become brown[8]Nelson, S., Bacterial leaf blight of aglaonema. 2009. Read.
Problems with Silver Pothos (Scindapsus pictus)
- Satin silk pothos are for the most part liberated from nuisances and illnesses however may be gone after by scales or bug vermin, which can be essentially washed off. Remember to likewise flush the underside of the leaves.
- On the other hand, assuming there is a huge pervasion; apply an insecticidal cleanser or green oil that is marked for use on indoor plants. On the off chance that silk pothos get a lot of water, it can foster root decay. At the point when the thick, perfect leaves of the silk pothos plant begin twisting in, they likely need more water if they in any case look solid.
- There is a chance that your Scindapsus Pictus has yellow, saggy, by and large, miserable-looking leaves, it is logically an indication of overwatering. Check to ensure you are allowing the dirt to dry out enough between watering. If your watering plan is fine, you could require dirt that has better seepage, or you could have to utilize a pot with a waste opening.
- On the off chance that the boundaries or tips of your plant’s leaves are brown, the plant likely is excessively dry. However, that doesn’t mean water it more. It likely implies that the air is too dry and that you want to increment mugginess.
- If your Scindapsus Pictus plant has leaves that are becoming dark or dull brown and biting the dust, this is likely a late-stage indication of root decay. You are overwatering — cut it out! The yellow leaves ought to have been a sign! Ensure you are watering just when the main few crawls of soil dry out, you have established your plant in a well-depleting fertilized soil, and your pot has a seepage opening[9]Nik Mohd Masdek, N.R., et al., Price sensitivity analysis and factors influencing purchases of ornamental plants among local institutions. Economic and Technology Management Review, 2019. 14. Read.
Uses and facts about Silver Pothos (Scindapsus Pictus)
- Generally an indoor houseplant, satin silk pothos can develop outside on the off chance that the environment is right; truth be told, it can develop multiple times bigger than inside.
- Since it is a climbing plant, in the nursery, it requires a surface to hop on, be it a lattice or a bigger tree. Satin or silk pothos are reasonable for tropical nurseries as an example or as a fascinating setting to develop over structures toward the rear of nursery beds. It performs well in hanging crates.
- Scindapsus Pictus is harmful to creatures and people since it contains calcium oxalate. This will cause consumption in the mouth and the sap may likewise be aggravating to the skin. Try to get this plant far from your pets.
- Other than different advantages, the cash plant (Scindapsus aureus, or Epipremnum aureum) is accepted to bring success and luck[10]Smith, C.W., CHILLING INJURY AND CHILL-HARDENING IN SELECTED TROPICAL FOLIAGE PLANTS (SCINDAPSUS PICTUS, MARANTA LEUCONEURA APHELANDRA SQUARROSA). 1983: Texas A&M University. Read.
↑1 | Salempa, P. and O. Jumadi. Phytochemical Test and Toxicity Test for Methanol Extract of Belajang Susu (Scindapsus pictus Hassk.). in Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2019: IOP Publishing. Read |
↑2 | OTHMAN, A.S.B., P.C. BOYCE, and C.L. KENG, Studies on Monstereae (Araceae) of Peninsular Malaysia III: Scindapsus lucens, a New Record for Malaysia, and a Key to Peninsular Malaysian Scindapsus. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore, 2010. 62(1): p. 9-15. Read |
↑3 | Heil, R.A., A Dynamic Assessment of Indoor Air Quality Through Passive and Active Filtration Measures Applied to the Built Environment in a Residential Application. 2021, The University of Arizona. Read |
↑4 | Durber, S., Make Your Own Indoor Garden: How to Fill Your Home with Low Maintenance Greenery. Make Your Own Indoor Garden, 2021: p. 1-112. Read |
↑5 | Mat Amin, M.Z., et al., Economic production of selected ornamental plants: multispecies and Arundina orchid. Economic and Technology Management Review, 2020. 15. Read |
↑6 | Masnira, M., et al., A Propagation Technique of Scindapsus pictus and Piper porphyrophyllum as a New Native Functional Plant for Indoor Landscape. TRANSACTIONS OF THE MALAYSIAN SOCIETY OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 2019: p. 52. Read |
↑7 | Salem, M., T. Abou Dahab, and N. Mansour, Ornamental Horticulture Department. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ. Read |
↑8 | Nelson, S., Bacterial leaf blight of aglaonema. 2009. Read |
↑9 | Nik Mohd Masdek, N.R., et al., Price sensitivity analysis and factors influencing purchases of ornamental plants among local institutions. Economic and Technology Management Review, 2019. 14. Read |