Epipremnum aureum is a species in the arum family Araceae, local to Mo’orea in the Society Islands of French Polynesia. The species is a well-known houseplant in calm districts. However, it has likewise become naturalized in tropical and sub-tropical backwoods around the world, including northern South Africa, Australia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Pacific Islands, and the West Indies, where it has caused severe environmental harm in some cases.
The plant has various normal names including brilliant pothos, Ceylon creeper, tracker’s robe, ivy arum, house plant, cash plant, silver plant, Solomon Islands ivy, marble sovereign, and taro plant. It is likewise called demon’s plant or villain’s ivy since it is complicated to kill and it stays green in any event when kept in the dark.

It is once in a while erroneously marked as a Philodendron, Pothos, or Scindapsus in plant stores. It is normally known as a cash plant in many pieces of the Indian subcontinent. It seldom blossoms without fake chemical enhancements; the most recent unconstrained blooming in development was accounted for in 1964.
The Manjula Pothos is a protected pothos cultivar that was created by the University of Florida. Its qualities are like two different cultivars: N’joy pothos and pearls and jade pothos, albeit the Manjula Pothos, is perceived as an unmistakable cultivar. Like other variegated plants, Manjula Pothos can be costly because it has variegated leaves. You will find the plant worth all the cash once it rewards you with delightful variegated foliage[1]Khayyat, M., F. Nazari, and H. Salehi, Effects of different pot mixtures on pothos (Epipremnum aureum Lindl. and Andre ‘Golden Pothos’) growth and development. American-Eurasian Journal of … Continue reading.
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Usually, the plant known as Manjula Pothos has flaunted smooth white leaves edged and variegated in green. Like all Pothos plants, the Manjula Pothos is harmful to the two people and creatures so while it’s completely protected from contact, be certain never to ingest the leaves, and keep it far away from youngsters and pets. While the Harlequin Pothos look the same as the Manjula, they are two unique plants.
The disarray frequently emerges as their variegation is comparatively striking. In any case, the principal distinction is that the leaves of the Harlequin Pothos will generally have more white and less light green than the Manjula. The principal distinction between Manjula Pothos and marble sovereign plants is found in their leaf plan and beginning as Manjula Pothos leaves are frilly and wavy while marble sovereign leaves have a sprinkle example of green, cream, and white.
Firmly connected with the snow Queen Pothos, the Manjula additionally has huge sections of white variegation that adorn its badly creased leaves. This assortment has the white coming up the stem and midrib and greens around the leaf borders, the inverse and more surprising shading contrasted with the snow sovereign[2]Prabakaran, M., et al., Evaluation of antioxidant and anticorrosion properties of Epipremnum aureum. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2019. 44(1): p. 169-178. Read.

Plant description
Epipremnum aureum is an evergreen plant developing to 20 m (66 ft) tall, with stems up to 4 cm (2 in) in distance across, climbing utilizing flying roots that stick to surfaces. The leaves are substitute, heart-formed, whole on adolescent plants, however sporadically pinnate on mature plants, up to 100 cm (39 in) long and 45 cm (18 in) expansive; adolescent leaves are a lot more modest, ordinarily under 20 cm (8 in) long.
The blossoms are created in a spathe up to 23 cm (9 in) long. This plant produces following stems when it ascends trees and these flourish when they arrive at the ground and develop alongside it. The leaves on these following stems grow up to 10 cm (4 in) long and are the ones regularly seen on this plant when it is developed as a pruned plant[3]Meshram, A. and N. Srivastava, Epipremnum aureum (Jade pothos): a multipurpose plant with its medicinal and pharmacological properties. Journal of Critical Reviews, 2015. 2(2): p. 21-5. Read.
E. Aureum has delegated an angiosperm, which commonly delivers blossoms sooner or later in their life cycle, it is the main detailed species in its family (Araceae) that doesn’t foster a bloom. Despite where this “timid blooming” plant is developed or what the circumstances are like, it won’t blossom because of a hereditary debilitation of the gibberellin (GA) biosynthetic quality, EaGA3ox1.
This impedance makes the plant unable to foster bioactive GAs, which are liable for the blossoming of plants through the flower meristem personality quality EaLFY. In E. aureum, the flower meristem character quality articulation is missing because of the absence of GAs from EaGA3ox1. It was found that when GAs was tentatively splashed onto the plant, blossoming was incited. Maybe one of the most staggering pothos cultivars accessible, the Manjula pothos is portrayed by huge, heart-formed leaves with shocking white, green, and cream variegation.
Contrasted with different kinds of pothos, the Manjula pothos is more earnest to drop by because of its uncommon status. You might have to look at uncommon plant shops or contact gatherers to get your hands on one, yet if you can find one, the Manjula pothos is a lovely and low-upkeep expansion to any home[4]Hung, C. and J. Xie, A comparison of plants regenerated from a variegated Epipremnum aureum. Biologia plantarum, 2009. 53(4): p. 610-616. Read.
Manjula pothos can be handily spread by stem cuttings. Taking cuttings won’t just assist you with making new plants that you can impart to companions, however, it will likewise empower more full development on your plant, as each stem that is sliced will start to branch. You can likewise report the established cuttings back in the first pot to make your plant bigger, as opposed to making new plants.

Steps for stem cutting method
To engender your Manjula pothos with stem cuttings, follow these means:
- Take stem cuttings that are 4-5 inches long, guaranteeing that you get it done straightforwardly under a leaf/hub.
- Eliminate the leaves from the base portion of the cutting, and lower the uncovered stem in water utilizing a container or another compartment.
- Place the cutting(s) in an area that gets brilliant, backhanded light and supplant the water consistently to guarantee it remains new.
- Following half a month you ought to see attaches starting to develop. When the roots are an inch long, you can replant the cuttings in a pre-dampened, well-depleting prepared blend.
- Save the cuttings equitably clammy for the initial 1 fourteen days in the wake of planting to assist the roots with adjusting to the soil. After the principal a long time, you can begin to continue a customary watering plan[5]Jaya, S., Vegetative propagation of Epipremnum aureum by stems cuttings. Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 2013. 3(5): p. 111-114. Read.
Steps for Manjula pothos propagation in water
- Recognize a couple of sound plants with no less than one hub and one leaf.
- Utilize wipe scissors to remove every plant Below the hub.
- Keep in mind, that the hub is where new roots will develop from, so “underneath” the hub implies it ought to be remembered for the part you cut off.
- Put the plant into a container of room-temperature water — the hub ought to be submerged while the leaves ought to be over the water
- You can eliminate the base most leaves if you want to so they don’t decay sitting in the water.
- Put the container in a space that gets splendid, roundabout light.
- Top off or supplant the water depending on the situation[6]Meshram, A. and N. Srivastava, Epipremnum aureum (Jade pothos): a multipurpose plant with medicinal and pharmacological properties. Journal of Critical Reviews, 2015. 2(2): p. 21-5. Read[7]Benedetto, A.d., C. Galmarini, and J. Tognetti, Changes in leaf size and the rate of leaf production contribute to cytokinin-mediated growth promotion in Epipremnum aureum L. cuttings. The Journal of … Continue reading.
Steps of Manjula pothos propagation by root division
- Separating a plant means to take one plant and gap it into at least two more modest plants. If you have a huge plant and need to have more plants rapidly, the division is the best approach.
- Slip the mother plant out of its pot
- Recognize at least two areas with their root foundations
- Tenderly isolated the segments from one another. Some root breakage is unavoidable; however, attempt to keep the vast majority of the roots flawless.
- Plant each segment into its own, more modest pot and water them. Give them a chance to conform to their new home[8]Norman, D.J. and G.S. Ali, Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) Diseases: Identification and Control in Commercial Greenhouse Production: PP340, 7/2018. EDIS, 2018. 2018(4). Read.

Common Problems with Manjula Pothos
Likewise, with most pothos plants, the Manjula pothos is low-upkeep and by and large issue-free. Notwithstanding, inappropriate consideration or bug invasions can once in a while prompt the accompanying issues.
Yellow Leaves
There are a couple of potential reasons that your Manjula pothos have yellow leaves. To start with, yellow leaves on pothos plants can now and then be a consequence of infection or root decay. Second, yellow leaves can be a sign that your plant isn’t getting sufficient light. Have a go at moving it to a more splendid place where the leaves are all presented to brilliant, roundabout light.
Earthy colored Leaves
Earth-colored leaves are typically a sign that your Manjula pothos isn’t getting sufficient water or dampness. At times in excessively dry circumstances, the leaf tips will start to dry out. Take a stab at expanding the dampness around the plant and watering it all the more habitually.
Hanging Leaves
Leaves that are shrinking and hanging are an early sign that your plant is parched and needs some water. Water your plant completely and it ought to quickly return in no less than an hour or something like that[9]Eyini, M., Endophytic fungi of the climber Epipremnum aureum (L) Engl and its symbiotic association with their host tree, Annona squamosa L. International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production, … Continue reading.
Care of Manjula Pothos
- Despite its whiz appearance, the Manjula pothos is quite simple to focus on. Similarly, as with other pothos, Manjula pothos is versatile and strong and flourishes in normal family-developing circumstances. Because of its serious degree of variegation, Manjula pothos values more light than non-variegated assortments, yet generally, their consideration is really like the standard brilliant pothos.
- Manjula pothos can adjust to a scope of lighting conditions; simply make certain to keep away from unforgiving, direct daylight which can consume the fragile leaves. While Manjula pothos can make due in low light circumstances, they require a smidgen lighter than other pothos assortments to keep the white variegation in the leaves — so hold back nothing, light where conceivable.
- Plant your Manjula pothos in a loamy, well-depleting prepared blend. Standard indoor fertilized soil is generally fine for these pothos, however, adding some extra perlite to build seepage is typically really smart.
- Permit the main 2 to 3 crawls of soil to dry out among waterings and afterward water well. Manjula pothos are versatile and can endure a little disregard if important, so on the off chance that you neglect to water these pothos each occasion, they ought to return quickly without any problem.
- Standard family temperature and mugginess levels are ideal for Manjula pothos. In any case, their development is more vivacious on the off chance that they are given some additional mugginess, so consider developing them in a sticky room like a washroom, pantry, or kitchen — or putting a humidifier close by.
- These tropical plants are not cold or ice lenient, so try not to open them to any virus drafts in the colder time of year. Manjula pothos can be filled outside in USDA zones 11 and 12.
- Manjula pothos doesn’t need ordinary preparation, yet steady taking care of in the spring and summer assists with advancing sound development and variegation. Apply fair fluid compost once every month during the dynamic developing season for best outcomes.
- Re-pot your Manjula Pothos when it becomes root-bound. This pothos isn’t quite so quickly developing as a portion of its family members, so you won’t have to stress over doing this again and again[10]Cohen, A.K., D. Theotoka, and A. Galor, Epipremnum aureum keratopathy: case report and review of the literature. Eye & contact lens, 2020. 46(5): p. e33. Read.
Some facts about Manjula Pothos
The plant is recorded as harmful to felines and canines by the ASPCA, given the presence of insoluble raphides. Care ought to be taken to guarantee the plant isn’t consumed by pets. Side effects might incorporate oral disturbance, heaving, and trouble gulping. Because of the calcium oxalate inside the plant, it tends to be somewhat harmful to people too.
Conceivable aftereffects from the utilization of E. Aureum are atopic dermatitis (skin inflammation) as well as consuming or potentially enlarging of the locale within and encompassing the mouth. Over-the-top contact with the plant can likewise prompt general skin aggravation or contact dermatitis. Vining plants like pothos do well when given something to climb —, for example, a greenery shaft — which is their normal propensity. They utilize their elevated roots to hook on and move up trees.
These plants cleanse the quality of formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide while likewise killing smells. Pothos can likewise assist with easing eye disturbance following a lot of time gazing at screens. All pieces of the brilliant pothos plant are poisonous and can hurt upon contact and ingestion.
The gems of calcium oxalate for the most part cause confined bothering. Be that as it may, now and again, the ingestion of the pothos plant, in enormous sums, can prompt the expansion of the upper aviation route, which then, at that point, can cause breathing hardships. A few different indications of Epipremnum aureum harming incorporate diminished hunger, oral torment, torpidity, runs, and pets pawing unnecessarily at the mouth[11]Sherikar, A. and M. Mahanthesh, Evaluation of aqueous and methanolic extract of leaves of Epipremnum aureum for radical scavenging activity by DPPH Method, total phenolic content, reducing capacity … Continue reading.
↑1 | Khayyat, M., F. Nazari, and H. Salehi, Effects of different pot mixtures on pothos (Epipremnum aureum Lindl. and Andre ‘Golden Pothos’) growth and development. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Science, 2007. 2(4): p. 341-348. Read |
↑2 | Prabakaran, M., et al., Evaluation of antioxidant and anticorrosion properties of Epipremnum aureum. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2019. 44(1): p. 169-178. Read |
↑3 | Meshram, A. and N. Srivastava, Epipremnum aureum (Jade pothos): a multipurpose plant with its medicinal and pharmacological properties. Journal of Critical Reviews, 2015. 2(2): p. 21-5. Read |
↑4 | Hung, C. and J. Xie, A comparison of plants regenerated from a variegated Epipremnum aureum. Biologia plantarum, 2009. 53(4): p. 610-616. Read |
↑5 | Jaya, S., Vegetative propagation of Epipremnum aureum by stems cuttings. Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 2013. 3(5): p. 111-114. Read |
↑6 | Meshram, A. and N. Srivastava, Epipremnum aureum (Jade pothos): a multipurpose plant with medicinal and pharmacological properties. Journal of Critical Reviews, 2015. 2(2): p. 21-5. Read |
↑7 | Benedetto, A.d., C. Galmarini, and J. Tognetti, Changes in leaf size and the rate of leaf production contribute to cytokinin-mediated growth promotion in Epipremnum aureum L. cuttings. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 2013. 88(2): p. 179-186. Read |
↑8 | Norman, D.J. and G.S. Ali, Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) Diseases: Identification and Control in Commercial Greenhouse Production: PP340, 7/2018. EDIS, 2018. 2018(4). Read |
↑9 | Eyini, M., Endophytic fungi of the climber Epipremnum aureum (L) Engl and its symbiotic association with their host tree, Annona squamosa L. International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production, 2013. 4(Special Issue): p. 3645-3650. Read |
↑10 | Cohen, A.K., D. Theotoka, and A. Galor, Epipremnum aureum keratopathy: case report and review of the literature. Eye & contact lens, 2020. 46(5): p. e33. Read |
↑11 | Sherikar, A. and M. Mahanthesh, Evaluation of aqueous and methanolic extract of leaves of Epipremnum aureum for radical scavenging activity by DPPH Method, total phenolic content, reducing capacity assay and FRAP assay. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2015. 4(4): p. 36. Read |